Thursday 29 December 2011

The New Year

A lot of people ask what is your resolution for the year and sometimes dismiss it as a silly convention or practice of the holidays that we create or state on the eve of the end of the year, often inebriated and full of the optimism of scrubbing away the former year and starting new.  So, we come up with random ideas, dismissal of bad habits, creation of new ones, or big statements for the coming year. Conquering words to inspire and slay anything that gets in the way of our ambitions or noble designs.  We wake up the next day, hungover, or just tired and sometimes forget our declaration, or dependent on the circumstances of the last year determined to make a change, forge a new path, build on a dream or start a new one.  The sense of renewal and re-birth is powerful and intoxicating. It is a different feeling than the emotional syrup of the holidays brought on by festooned homes, malls and streets, abundant gifts and excessive eating and drinking. It is a feeling of power. Of I can do anything-ness that is unparalleled at any time of the year.  I wish you all luck on your resolutions and commend you for making any attempt at all to improve your life, because it really is about the attempt or the journey and not the chiseled goal or shiny coin that await at the end of this path of retribution. It is about the lessons learned on the road. Travel often and dream far and wide. Happy New Years everyone